We are proud to announce the launch of our brand-new podcast, called TJ ARTScast. The inaugural episode will debut on March 1 in the iTunes Store and Stitcher and will feature interviews with Karen Suszynski, founder of TJ Arts, and Christopher Rawson, theater commentator on KDKA-TV, formerly of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, and expert on the late August Wilson, one of Pittsburgh’s finest artists. The first episode will celebrate Wilson’s legacy to Pittsburgh and the American theater with a comprehensive interview with Rawson, a brief interview with director Timothy Douglas on “The Big Picture,” a segment analyzing the national arts scene, and a glimpse of Wilson’s home in the Hill District with “City Snapshot.”
Pittsburgh natives Dawn Walters and Jay Suszynski will host TJ ARTScast each month, celebrating TJ Arts’ local work in promoting and enhancing the arts in the schools and communities of West Jefferson Hills, and relating those efforts to the regional and national arts scene. We believe this is the first podcast of its kind to be produced by a grassroots arts organization and broadcast to a national audience.
Check out this quick promo to hear what the TJ ARTScast is all about. Subscribe and you’ll never miss an episode!